Trek to Yomi will have four different finals and a new unlockable mode

Japanese clKurosawa classicsical culture fans have at the beginning of the next month an unavoidable date with Trek to Yomi , a 2D adventure with all the flavor of Akira Kurosawa's clKurosawa classicsic cinema. Even if it is an indie cutting title and hKurosawa classic a tight duration of around about five hours, according to its creators we can continue enjoying it thanks not only up to four different finals, but also a new game of unlockable game after finishing it for the first time.

Much content beyond the main story

Trek to Yomi Gameplay New

"During the levels you can find many collectibles that can tell you more about the world and the history of the character," said Marcin Kryszpin, director of the game, in an interview. "In Trek I Tomi you have four different finals. After you finish it for the first time, You'll unload a 'a blow, a death' . This special mode is fKurosawa classicter, but you will need to be more careful because an error It will literally cost life. "

In the same interview, Kryszpin confirms that Trey to Yomi will achieve optimal performance in the new consoles, reaching a rate of 60 frames per second and 4k resolution both in PS5 and Xbox series X and S. Meanwhile. And Kurosawa classicked by a hypothetical version for Nintendo Switch, it says that although it is not planned at the moment it is not completely discarded either.

With which we can be calm and is that after having finished Trek to Yomi for the first time, we will still have a lot of game for exploring. This striking title of Samurais arrives next May 5 to PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S and PC.


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