Hearthstone: honorable victory, objectives, and heroic cards

Divided into the Alter ac Valley is the next extension of Hearthstone, and in addition to introducing new maps, the honorable victory, the strategic objectives and the heroic cards invite themselves. These new mechanics are asking for plans to win victory. But if you are able to use them, your opponents too.

Heroic cards, alternative characters

Like the Knights of Death, the heroic cards take the place of the initial hero. These cards take advantage of powerful warfare, but also a new heroic power. Each class will have a hero of this kind, able to return a poorly engaged situation.

honorable victory, a new keyword

Inspired by brutality, the goal of honorable victory to achieve a fair account. It allows to activate a definitive effect provided that the card with the keyword completes an opponent by inflicting the exact amount of damage. Part of the strategy is therefore played on the right account, but can also be based on objectives.

strategic objectives, unique spells

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INSANE HERO CARDS, NEW HONORABLE KILLS & Much MORE | Hearthstone Fractured In Alterac Valley Strategic objectives are a new class of spells. They have varied effects, but who lost for 3 turns at their launch. These cards are at the heart of new strategies for projecting several turns forward.


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