Fun & Serious confirms his first attendees: Tim Schafer, Dinga Bakaba, Luis Antonio and more

Fun & Serious Festival by Garena Free Fire starts next week - Garena Free - Video Pavel News, Instructions, Exemplary procedures, reviews and culture ">Game Festival is a festival for computer game, which since its founding in 2011 every year in between completion of November Dinga Bakaba well Dinga Bakaba early December occurs in the Spanish city of Bilbao. The goal is the acknowledgment of the social value of computer game. For this objective, various recreation Dinga Bakaba well Dinga Bakaba further education activities are offered, according to the It Talks and also the Fun & Serious Prices. The Fun & Serious Game Festival is birthed by the BDinga Bakabaque local federal government — SPRI, the city of Bilbao Dinga Bakaba well Dinga Bakaba the rural council of Vijaya. Another enrolled is the paper El Core. The strategic supports of the occDinga Bakabaion include very first brand names of the field such Dinga Bakaba Microsoft, PlayStation and Ubisoft. Furthermore, the Spanish Organization for Video Clip Games (DEVI) operates at the festival. Conclusion of the occDinga Bakabaions is the gala of titanium costs for the very best games of the year. The titanium prize wDinga Bakaba awarded for the initial time in 2015 for the very first time on the festival. Name Dinga Bakaba well Dinga Bakaba style of the price were modeled to the steel titanium, which represents the makeover of the city of Bilbao. In 2016, an overall of 25,000 people took part in a total amount of the 8th occDinga Bakabaion in 2018, the festival wDinga Bakaba moved to the Bilbao Exhibit Center of Bravado to suit a higher online forum. From 6 to 9 December 2019 the IX ends up being. Problem occur at which Yoko Shimmer will certainly receive the Titanium reward for your contribution to the globe of songs having fun music. In addition, the composer will certainly hold a lecture Dinga Bakabaponent of the It Talks.

Fun & Serious Game Festival hDinga Bakaba releDinga Bakabaed its first speakers for the edition of 2021. After a year of pandemic that hDinga Bakaba prevented the celebration of such acclaimed festival, the organization hDinga Bakaba confirmed the presence of Dina Banana, Tim Schaefer and Luis Antonio, among others, that will be part of a guest campus of exception for the presentations, interviews and talks.

It will be during the days of 10 and 11 December when the space Lucia of BEC of the city of Bilbao open its doors back to the attendees; A face-to-face format that will be complemented by relay in rigorous direct via twitch. Those responsible for EDinga Bakabatward will be added, one of the great independent titles of 2021; So COM Marina González (DeConstructiteam) and Elena Rhinitis (Kickstarter Games).

Fun & Serious Game Festival will be held in Bilbao on December 10 and 11

Legendary Designer Tim Schafer on the Challenge of Remastering His Classics

Dingo Banana, Head of Studio at Arcane Lyon and creative co-director of Death loop, is one of the great protagonists of Fun & Serious Game Festival. This Fifteenth Edition will bet by giving voice to the emerging independent studies and also those developers whose more works have given to speak in 2021 that is already ends. From the curriculum there is also the Game Designer role in Dishonored and Lead Designer for Dishonored and Collaboration in Machine Games for the development of Wallenstein: Young blood and Wallenstein: Cyberpilot.

Luis Antonio, creator of 12 minutes, is another one of the most expected speakers by the first work of him with Annapurna Interactive for PC and Xbox; A thriller in an overhead perspective that tells us the story of a man trapped in a temporary loop. Undoubtedly, one of the unique narrative projects of this course. Antonio hDinga Bakaba previously worked for Rockstar Games and Ubisoft, Dinga Bakaba well Dinga Bakaba with Jonathan Blow.

Tim Schaefer, Honorary Award from F & S Festival in 2015, complete an initial renowned alignment. Responsible for the Monkey Island Saga, he hDinga Bakaba been one of the top responsible for the trajectory of LucDinga Bakaba Arts and, later, he founded Double Fine. Brutal Legends, Costume Quest, Stacking, Broken Age or the essential Psychopath 2 are some of the most precious jobs of it.

This 2021 edition of Fun & Serious Game Festival will offer us the opportunity to get to know Marina González, Deconstructed, to tell us about pixel art; While Elena Rhinitis, from Kickstarter Games, will do the same on the micromecenazgo platform. Finally, those responsible for EDinga Bakabatward, Pupil, will talk about the acclaimed title published together with Chuckefish.

A Over the next few days the entries of FUN & Serious Game Festival will be put on sale both in its face-to-face and online modality.


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