Naraka: BladePoint: tomorrow s update brings 1V1
For Naraka: BladePoint will appear a update with a further game mode tomorrow. In the new 1V1 mode you will be in duels à la bloodport and the opponents must defeat exclusively in melee. There is a ring with 16 other players and must win each single 1V1 match to achieve the final. But there is a hook: you can not use the same hero or the same weapon that you have used in the previous fight. Thanks to increased melee resistance , the fighting should offer more intense back and forth - with more opportunities on evasive maneuvers and comebacks at the last minute. Players can use their normal skills, but ultimates are disabled. If you create it, in the last round, the final will be held in the best-of-three mode. A round should take a maximum of 75 seconds. Last updated video: Launchtrailer
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