Hearthstone: Blizzard allows massive trolls via hotfix

A new hotfix provided inhearthstone for chaos in mercenary mode. Blizzard has given the trolls a strong weapon to the hand.

Hearthstone is built from the ground up so that trolls and insults are not possible quasi. As a communication, there are only a few emotes and they also have a barrier when you spame too many in a short time. But now Blizzard wanted to fix a problem in mercenary mode and opened trolls door and gate.

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Win trading was probably a problem: The farms of coins is important in mercenary mode. Because Blizzard does not want the coins to be easily earned, a change was previously made on the mysterious hiker. The community found another way to easily get coins - Win trading in the fight pit.

The combat pit is PVP mode in mercenary mode. Victories give here a solid number of coins, and there are only a few players on higher ranks. Agreements were taken to quickly gain victories and so get coins.

Blizzard Fix Win Trading, allows trolls: In order to stop winning the win-trading, the developers then introduced a new rule. There are only coins for the victory when at least 3 mercenaries were conquered on the other side.

Thus, it should be ensured that there are actual struggles and Win trading is prevented in seconds.

Permission for trolling was found: However, this rule has not only restricted Win trading - but doing any form of victory. In the forum and in the sub -peddit of WoW, the players now report that in PVP fights is basically abandoned as soon as 2 of their own mercenaries were destroyed.

This can be effectively prevented that the actual winner receives a reward at all.

More News around Hearthstone are here:

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Community is angry - again: The playscape of Hearthstone is extremely angry about this change. In the sub -peddit someone posted a screenshot, from which clearly shows: it took exactly 11 minutes before the first players have realized that one can simply take his victory to the opponent if you give up early. As soon as players realize after the death of their 2nd mercenary that they probably will not win, just give up - and rob the winner with it to his prey.

In general, the mood at Hearthstone is just massively tense because Blizzard brings a change after the other in mercenary mode, which for many gradually removes the fun of the already controversial mode.

It can be assumed that Blizzard will revise this hotfix again.


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