I do not deserve enough money to play Hearthstone
Worldwide Program was a class-based shooter online team-based game by Hi-Rez Studios developed using Unreal Engine 3. Global Schedule was begun in 2005 as the workshop's first task. The game went survive February 1, 2010. In April 2011, International Agenda was re-released as a free-to-play game. The game's servers were closed down in 2018.
Hearthstone is always three. The latest mode is a farce - this takes at least our card demon CORTYN and gets animal up.
Hearthstone and me, that has always been a hate love. At the start of a new extension, I am always extremely straightforward, look at the new cards and build me cool decks in the head. Sometimes the implementation succeeds. In other cases, such as in the current Meta, the game just does not have fun anymore. All matches run the same and the game cranks to extremely many places.
All the more curious I was on the mercenary mode, which the developers had already suggested a long time ago. Yesterday came the great idea.
To express it milde: What the Nether has happened?
The idea was a complete chaos. Even diehard veterans did not manage to understand the features of this mode in the course of the nearly 30-minute presentation. Even with the press material at hand it was right, really difficult to understand the details. What exactly are the new card packs? What are mercenary coins? How does such a round run away and why is Diablo suddenly?
This was not better that almost never showed gameplay in a piece, but was admitted to the best Tiktok manner with 15-second clips, until you just strapped nothing more in the effect thunderstorm and outer screen texts.
Added to this is the design. Yes, the mode is not yet published. Yes, the developers still have just under 6 weeks. But if the playing field looks like the actual action takes place on 1/9 of the area, you have just done anything wrong with the interface design. Over 85% of the area is empty, as this picture is well illustrated:
Hearthstone wants money - and more and more
Hearthstone has dramatically turned its monetization in the last 12 months. Where it was sufficient to buy every 3 months maybe a few card packs to buy, the game has become more and more aggressive.
In addition to season-pass, buyable top decks, special class bundles, buyable solo content and felt a new cosmetic set with skins for the battlefield mode, now also comes the mercenary mode.
Because - Well, who would have thought - you can pre-order. A total of 3 pre-order packages are available, either with 30 or 50 packs of the new mode as well as a special mercenary card (Sylvanas, Diablo or the Lichkönig). That costs 30 € or 50 €. Or, if you want to get all 3 packages, whopping 130 €.
The hook on the thing that hurts more than the hooks in Dead by Daylight is the following: The mercenary card packs have absolutely nothing to do with the normal collection. The normal collection and mercenary mode are completely separated in this regard.
In the mercenary packs you will find different cosmetics, but above all coins with which you get new mercenaries, or - now it is particularly beautiful - existing mercenaries can upgrade. Then you can improve the skills and equipment when you have accumulated enough coins.
And because alone the possibility of a € 130 pre-order for a game mode that has nothing to do with the rest of Hearthstone, apparently not enough yield is: It is still pay2win, because the whole thing has PVP.
There are no same conditions in the PVP. Although tries to find the game to find the same opponent, but at the latest, if one has lost a round, because his own arthas with his death coat makes only 10 damage, while the opponent does 30 damage because he simply reaches 500 € on the problem Throw, the pay2win becomes obvious.
More money means more power and stronger mercenaries with better abilities. This is another level of Pay2win and Gacha Irrsin, as you knew it from Hearthstone.
What I find particularly three: to build and expand the camp of mercenary mode, you have to use gold. Gold, which is earned especially in the other game modes. Gold used normally for arena rounds, buying card packs or mini sets. Gold, which has always become scarce anyway.
Why is that? The answer is simple: so that you give more real money. Anyone who has to spend his gold in the mercenary mode in order to get started, must therefore pay real money to get on cards in normal game mode.
Hearthstone does not even trying to disguise how to pull me - or all of us - over the table. Even the biggest Whales, so the players who have enough money in Hearthstone have been painted in subreddit the muzzle full and feel kidnapped.
And I can understand it. If I now want to enjoy Hearthstone as a whole, I no longer only have to buy a new set every 3-4 months, but also a second set for the mercenary mode, in which I can also sink almost infinitely money if I want to play PVP.
Since I'm roughly skipped, at 250 - 300 € every 3-4 months. That's not something too expensive, that's completely crazy. Since I prefer to buy a new gaming PC every month every month.
Or to quote Blizzard: But do not worry if you can not get all three packages. Only this sentence makes me stunned. Is that what is expected? Is it the desirable normal case that you get all three packages for whopping 130 €? For a mode that has nothing to do with the rest of Hearthstone? For a mode that was weak in its idea that smells of Pay2win and builds a paywall that is so great that some ex-US presidents could have implemented their election promises?
I am angry and disappointed. So funy the game mode actually sounds, so terrible I find the monetization and the massive built-in pay2win. The mode can not give me enough fun to justify an investment of 30, 50 or even 130 €, which I probably had to increase every few months again when new mercenaries come.
After all, there is a positive point on the matter: On the 12th of October, the Zombie coop shooter back 4 Blood also appears simultaneously with the mercenary mode in Hearthstone. I already know which of the two I will gamble this evening.
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