Nexon Lee Jeong-don representative ˝ Adopted 1,000 new workforce until next year ˝

Nexon adopts 1,000 new workforce from 2H this year to next year. Nexon has started new and career bonds from early this year, and has been working on a number of employees in a number of developers, including Devcat, including new development headquarters. Here is a plan to supply more workforce.

The CEO of Nexon announced on a 3-day Nexon New Project Media Showcase at the New Project Media Showcase. Lee Jung-dan, "Everything is preparing to be busy to recruit more than 1,000 people by 2022, which is the most important person. Recruitment will begin since 2H11. "

In February of this year, Nexon resumed the bonds and hiked the existing and new temple salary. Existing employees rose 8 million yuan, and new employees are 50 million won for development and Non-Development, and 45 million won. In addition, the performance system was also reorganized. This representative was "providing a performance-proportional and proportional system that paid performance benefits to individuals and organizations that have internally good performance. In the past, there were employees who have received more than a minute ratio, but now that no one could receive a high achievement, "he said.

The reason Nexon writes strength to the supply of manpower is to explore new IPs to increase global competitiveness after the existing representative work that has become a major sales of companies. This representative was determined in March this year, and said he had time to worries about the goals. It is three large directions, one of which is one of them, "" Developing more than 10 super IPs responsible for the future of the company. "

This representative "Nexon will establish in 1994 to win the 30th anniversary in the near future. The biggest weapon and competitiveness that we have sustained by Nexon is the same IP as Maple Story, Cart Rider, Mabinogi, Kingdom of Wind, Dungeon & Fighter. We are not satisfied with the wonderful IP of us, and we will develop super IP with potential, and excavated it from outside, and this IP will be the energy that is filled with Nexon's next 10 years, 30 years, and 50 years. "

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The 'IP' he talks is not only included games, and it is aimed at excavating sustainable IP in a variety of categories. In fact, in June last year, Nexon has announced that he would invest $ 1.5 billion in a listed company with a global IP, and I have to invest 1.8 billion won for Hanwha, and I said he had invested in half of them in August.

Increasing compensation for employees is also an explanation that it is related to IP excavation. Lee Jeong-hyun said, "There was a worries about Nexon, joining Nexon, with motivation on the employees who have contributed to the company growth in the company's growth. I thought it would be the basis for a systematic salary increase rather than a one-time compensation, "he said.


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