Hideo Kojima is worried about a forced dematerialization

A world without physical support? Hideo Kojima does not dare to believe it! And even though this tendency to all dematerialized is inevitable, he will remain attached to his CDs, I will buy them anyway _. But beyond this aspiration to the materialism expressed by the famous creative, it is a feeling of dispossession that anguish ...

Permanent questioning is a dominant personality trait at H. Kojima. It is exercised through its games as well as to modern means of communication, like tweeter. His distress of the day, the digitization to any horsehair of works, themselves vulnerable _ to a major change, or accident in the world (...) The access can be cut suddenly _.

This enjoyment of the acquis is in stock _ in bulk _ at Kojima, in the example of a disordered room of a child seized by the fear of being deprived of his games. Because according to him, eventually we can no longer be able to freely access movies, books and music _.

He denounces this thorough trend going against our interest, without the origin of on our own initiative. The video game industry is on the light of this new revolution under the impulse of the cloud gaming, a title of its studio Kojima Prod. is in preparation for Xcloud. So, Hideo Kojima actor despite himself of this dispossession he rejects?

All the art of this outstanding creative lies in this way to it (often at second reading of a play session) to alert the player on the dangers of his favorite activity (isolation ...).

With what the consequences of dematerialization on our everyday, Hideo Kojima have found a new battle horse. Next theme of his cloud game?


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