From Styx: Shards of Darkness Developer Announced Rogue Lords - Nintendo Switch - Video Peeling news, instructions, exemplary procedures, reviews and culture

The rogue playing in a macabrene New England from the 17th century will appear this fall.

Cyanid, known for the styx series and upcoming wolf: The Apocalypse - Erdblut together with Leikir Studio develops a new scary title. It's called rogue lords and see how the player controls the devil that is committed to a team of boner beings to spread evil. This is in the development for Xbox One, PS4, PC and Nintendo Switch and will be released this autumn.

The evil entities you commanded are not your standard demons. You will have people like the white lady, Dracula, Bloody Mary and so on. After putting together younger teams, the player sends them into round-based battles. If you lose, all progress will be deleted and a new run started.

However, as you play as a devil, there is a way to cheat and turn the game in your favor. It's a strange mix of mechanics, but we can dig up. In a recent press release, Camille Lisoir, Artistic Director of Cyanide said: "Rogue Lords is a game that we've come up with Jérémie Montedo, the Game Director, a few years ago. We are pleased that the project becomes reality. We have fantastic synergies with the talented team of Leikir Studio and can barely expect to reveal our devilish world. "

For more information, see rogue Lords in the coming months. It seems to be a lot to discuss.

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Keywords: cyanid, Leikir Studio, Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, Rogue Lords, Xbox One


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