Bioshock: This is what the action game looks like in the Unreal Engine 5
The ego shooter Bioshock has now 14 years on the hump. He has lost little of his gameplay fascination, but at the optics, the tooth of the time has felt noticeable. How would the game look like if it would appear in a modern graphics robe? The answer to this question now delivers the fan and Youtuber Noodlespagoodle. He has made it a mission to present Bioshock in the Unreal Engine 5.
However, it must be said at this point that this is just in the approach. The Youtuber does not have the full bioshock (Buy Now 29.95 € / 19.99 €) adapted. To get the flair of the template, it has used a large part of the original textures. In addition, he constructed extra for his demo a new area of the underwater town of Rapture, which you did not have to face so far. Otherwise, however, you will find very many familiar elements. This ranges from performances of Little Sisters and Big Daddys to the use of well-known weapons. Even to the Gatherer's Garden sales machines, original audio logs and the crazy splicer has thought noodlespagoodle. You can watch the worth seeing in this video.
Anyone who hopes that the Youtuber makes this demo accessible to the public will be disappointed. He made it clear that the project is more likely to be intended as a kind of personal tribute to the original Bioshock and he is by no means a publication. What do you think about his demo in the Unreal Engine 5? Let's know us in the comments!
Source: YouTube
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From André left author 30.08.2021 at 11:35
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